Thursday 26 February 2009

3W are great travel writers!

Our class is working on making brochures to advertise a country.
We are linking our literacy report writing topic with our weather unit in Humanities, as well as using ICT skills taught during last term.
We are using publisher to make the final product. We collected information from a number of sources, including encyclopedias, books from the library, google and our literacy lessons.

We collected information using kidspiration as a kind of scrap book. On the right is an example.

We had the following criteria for success:

Language features: the report

  • is written in present tense
  • is impersonal (no I or We)
  • is organised into sections
  • starts with an introductory section
  • has sections which might include weather, attractions, food, clothes or other items you might need to bring, how to get there, things to do and see
  • tries to persuade the reader
  • includes some connectives which make sentences longer and more interesting
  • contains headings (or titles) and subheadings (or subtitles) which are underlined, may be in larger font and maybe in bold. These are used at the beginning of paragraphs
  • includes pictures (photos or diagrams) with captions to describe them


  1. hi, Rhea was excitingly discussing her experience in the science lab yesterday..and now even i can see on the blog...its great to share their experience this way !!!

  2. What a great idea - Jessica really enjoyed sharing this with her family. Thanks Mr Ben!


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