Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Another day at home!

We are at home again! Bangkok is not safe for school buses to travel through so make the most of being at home.

Please check through the activities I have given for Friday, and Monday and do these if you have not done so.

Keep learning by:

Reading for 30 minutes...please read with an adult if possible...this might mean reading aloud, or it might mean the adult asking you about your reading. Please record you reading or thoughts about your book in your blue reading record.

Maths: enter data into this googleform. I will then ask you to interpret the data on another day.

Literacy and Humanities: carry on researching your chosen topic for you Ancient Egypt booklet. Don't forget to use the bloglinks here.

Please email me with your news or send a comments on the blog. I would really like to know what you are getting up to.

I hope to see you all soon.


  1. Dear mr Ben thank you for all of those lovely pictures.

  2. Dear mr Ben you are so lucky to have such a adorable child.

    by anika


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