Monday, 7 September 2009

Want to hear some stories...straight from the school website

Go here on the school website and then enter your school username. There are several stories which you can listen to.

My favourite is George's Marvellous Medicine because I love the disgusting things he uses to make a potion.

Which is your favourite?

Go here for a quiz about George's Marvellous Medicine.


  1. I'd recommend Horrid Henry in Moody Margaret Casts a Spell.


  2. the problem is that the jujde captured the


  3. My favourites are Horrid Henrys Revenge, Horrid Henry Meets the Tooth Fairy and Horrid Henry Meets the Queen because they are very funny and have funny music. But the funniest one is Horrid Henry's Revenge because Perfect Peter gets in trouble.
    From Toby


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