Friday 6 November 2009

Times Table Tips

I have just found this great website with loads of ways of helping you to learn times tables.  It's called Dr Mike's Math Games For Kids.  Go here for the times table tips.

Times tables are so helpful...when I go shopping and buy 7 cartons of juice which cost 15 baht each I can quickly work out how much I will need...when I sponsor someone 10 baht for each length thay swim and they swim eight lengths, I can quickly find the answer.

When you know your times tables, you can check that you are paying the right amount and getting the right amount of change!

Here are some downloadable cards which you can print and make into a game.  Here are the answers.  Play at home or at school.

Here are tips for the 5 x table,6 x table, 7 x table, 8 x table, 9 x table and there are many other tips too.

Don't forget that Timezattack is another way to learn, but I find that the best way is to repeat each fact and answer.

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